Four Simple Tips to Make More Money

Four-Tips-to-Make-More-Money-768x768Rating: 4

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The rating is low because the first couple of paragraphs are selling an event and have very little to do with the article.. Also, the four tips to make more money weren’t incredibly enlightening. If you are looking for money making tips for the first time, then this would be a good bite size article. However, if you are looking for a life  changing article, this isn’t it.

It is perfectly acceptable to invite people to take part in the services offered such as inviting people to an event. In fact, taking advantage of a captured audience who is already reading your article is encouraged. However, having the invitation at the beginning of the article before you giving anything to the audience is not the best way to go about this.

A better way would be to give the people the tips they are looking for, and then inviting them to the event. The reason for this is because people generally don’t like being asked for something before they are given something first.

As for the content of the article, there are some things that are helpful, and some that seemed like a waste of time. I suggest that if you are going to take the time to read this article, check out tip number two. I also suggest that you skim through the article quickly before you take the time to read it word for word.

All together, I wouldn’t read this article again. It didn’t have the meat I am looking for finding educational articles. However, it would be a good article to use for evaluating what you want to do, and what not to do.

What did you think about the article. Do you have some suggestions for making money?

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